OBIC 2290 MultiSeal LV
Typical Use
OBIC 2290 MulitSeal LV is a low viscosity, flexible, closed cell, foam crack and joint filler used routinely for manhole sealing and pipe penetrations.
- Designed for sealing active water leaks in cracks or joints in concrete, brick and block structures as well as plastic
- Can withstand high water flows
- Can absorb up to 10 times its weight in water
Product Highlights
OBIC 2290 MulitSeal LV is a hand injected grout. It is designed to permeate tight cracks or joints and cures to form a resilient and flexible, yet tough, closed-cell foam with superb adhesive qualities. Product highlights include:
- Moisture activated polyurethane resin
- Reaction time is 90 seconds-3 minutes
- Cure time is 3-15 minutes
- Ambient and environmental temperature correlate with chemical reaction time
- Hydrophilic moisture activated 400%-600% expansion
- Viscosity: 650-800 cP at 72ºF
- Forms resilient, flexible foam with superb adhesive properties
- Solvent-free and non-corrosive
- Single component system applied using standard injection gun
- Color: Amber Resin
- Produced in an ISO 9001-2015 certified facility
Read and review entire SDS for OBIC 2290 prior to use.

Packaging, Storage and Shelf Life
OBIC 2290 MultiSeal LV is available in tubes. It should be stored in sealed containers between 45ºF and 95ºF in a dry atmosphere. Shelf life is 1 year under normal conditions, in factory sealed containers.