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Celebrate National Trivia Day With Some Sewer System Trivia!

Celebrate National Trivia Day With Some Sewer System Trivia! Trivia nights are a wintertime staple activity throughout the country.  National Trivia Day is January 4th, and in honor of this day, we wanted to do an online "trivia night" blog that features - what else? - sewer system trivia!Let's test your sewer system knowledge!Q: What city in Texas has 6,000 miles of sanitary sewer piping and 120,000 manholes?A: HoustonQ: What city in Alabama has 566 miles of sanitary sewer piping and 11,629 manholes? A: TuscaloosaQ: According to USEPA estimates, how many billions of gallons of wastewater are treated

January 2nd, 2024|Educational|

Experts in the Field are a Part of OBIC’s Commitment to Highly Trained, High-Quality People

Experts in the Field are a Part of OBIC's Commitment to Highly Trained, High-Quality People Trey Hesselschwardt is the Chief Training Officer with OBIC and has been with the company since its founding.  What does a Chief Training Officer do?  First, he helps new applicators come on board with equipment training and OBIC's process methodology.  Second, he answers questions via phone calls on a daily basis.  Third, he travels around the world to visit installers in-person, walks through situations they've never experienced before, and navigates through that with the best OBIC product choices.  He makes 2 or

November 9th, 2023|Educational, Installer Spotlight|

How to Stop a Leak in a Manhole – The OBIC Way

How to Stop a Leak in a Manhole - The OBIC Way "Good morning, welcome to the first day of your OBIC Applicator Training.  This morning we are going to learn about our manhole leak stopping procedure." OBIC-certified applicators around the world are fully trained and prepared through our Certified Installer Program that involves classroom time and on-site training.  One of the most important skills an OBIC applicator will learn during the program is how to stop structure leaks.  As we have discussed in previous blogs, groundwater infiltration from collection system cracks, hole, joint failures, mortar joints

October 3rd, 2023|Educational|

Join OBIC in Celebrating World Trenchless Day on September 28!

Join OBIC in Celebrating World Trenchless Day on September 28! Celebrated on the fourth Thursday of September, World Trenchless Day serves as a global celebration that shines a spotlight on the many benefits of trenchless technology in underground infrastructure. Here are just some of trenchless technology's benefits: 1. Safety Trenchless methodology is a substantial advantage versus open-cut construction methods.  Although OSHA regulations assure trench protection and fall arrest systems, the absence of excavation eliminates those issues altogether.  Another safety item that benefits from trenchless methods is the potential for traffic accidents, especially accidents from workers performing their

September 20th, 2023|Educational|

What’s the Best Way to Prep a Wastewater Structure for Rehabilitation?

What's the Best Way to Prep a Wastewater Structure for Rehabilitation? Proper surface preparation is the absolute key to any successful coating/lining project.  Depending upon the substrate surface, as much as 40% of the project cost can be the surface prep.  Because of this, many contractors will cut corners on the preparation portion resulting in potential long-term failure.  When it comes to wastewater infrastructure work, you should be looking at the long game, which is why OBIC goes above and beyond to extend the life of your structure for up to 50 years with a faster return

September 6th, 2023|Educational|

What is a Stress Skin Panel in Wastewater Structure Coating?

What is a Stress Skin Panel in Wastewater Structure Coating? We regularly refer to the OBIC Armor three-layer system for wastewater structures as a stress skin panel.  During a recent conversation with a public works director, he asked for a more thorough explanation.  A brief summary of that explanation around what a stress skin panel in wastewater structure coating is follows, and we're sure there are more people who would benefit from this information as well! The OBIC Armor liner system is a sandwich-structured composite.  It consists of an inner and outer layer of flexible polyurea with

August 28th, 2023|Educational|

Who Has the Best Warranty in Manhole Rehabilitation?

Who Has the Best Warranty in Manhole Rehabilitation? Did you know that our professionally-installed OBIC Armor multi-layer system is backed by a 10-year manufacturer and applicator warranty?  During a recent trade show where we were an exhibitor, we were asked WHY we offer a 10-year warranty on our multi-layer OBIC Armor System.  We thought this was an unusual way to phrase the question since, typically, it's something more akin to "tell me about your 10-year warranty".  We responded that the system has a 50-year design life and it performs so well, (although issues do occur) that we

August 7th, 2023|Educational|

Come Have Lunch and Learn With OBIC!

Come Have Lunch and Learn With OBIC! Come and enjoy a complimentary lunch while learning from our knowledgeable product experts!  Lunch and learns and demos are a cost-effective way to provide your staff with insight and information on products and processes.  Learning about OBIC sewer lining repair systems can help your staff plan and execute their projects while learning how to avoid common pitfalls. We customize the lunch and learn agenda based on your specific needs.  OBIC has a wide variety of sewer lining repair products available that cover sanitary sewer, storm sewer, potable water and bridge

July 10th, 2023|Educational|

New Infrastructure is a Big Investment, so Protect it From the Start

New Infrastructure is a Big Investment, so Protect it From the Start It’s common to protect our personal investments and assets, from insuring our homes and cars to buying an extended product warranty. We should also view underground infrastructure in the same way as it is a very costly and an extensive time investment for a municipality and its ratepayers. You may know OBIC for its water and wastewater rehabilitation products, but OBIC products can and should be used for new structures and not just for repairs of aging or damaged ones. So what are the benefits

June 8th, 2023|Educational|

What are the Main Causes of Manhole Deterioration?

What are the Main Causes of Manhole Deterioration? After years of rehab and lining work spread across thousands and thousands of manholes, we are regularly asked about the most common issues of degradation we encounter. The two most common are inflow and infiltration (I & I) and corrosion. As discussed in previous blogs, I & I is a biggie because it affects treatment plant capacity. Corrosion commonly refers to Hydrogen sulfide (H2SO4) and MIC (microbial induced corrosion) that eat away at concrete manhole structures or the mortar joint of a brick manhole, causing considerable deterioration if left

January 31st, 2023|Educational|
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